a woman and man hugging while she looks over his shoulder on her phone. Both wearing white shirts in bed

10 Dead Giveaways For Cheating

Being cheated on hurts pretty badly, and many people often say, “I didn’t see it coming.” But is that really true? Are people so blinded by love that they do not know their partner is cheating on them?

There must be signs that someone misses or completely ignores before the relationship ends, right? 

A Redditor came to the threads to ask, “what is a dead giveaway that you’re being cheated on?” and boy, did that thread deliver!

There are some pretty easy hints and things to look out for if you think your partner is cheating. Here are the top 10 giveaways!

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1. Hiding Their Cellphone

One Redditor said, “This happened to me. She started hiding her phone under the pillow at night. Also when I walked by her and she was on the phone she would flop it against her chest… felt like I had to confront her when she turned off the message previews…”

Another replied, “Random phone calls. Her phone will ring, and suddenly she has to go into another room to answer it.”

Finally, someone said. “You just know that “you can’t prove anything” call came right after she deleted all the messages and smugly thought she outsmarted the whole system lol.”

2. Lying About Whereabouts

A Redditor added, “When she tells you she’s having dinner with her brother… while you’re having dinner with her brother.”

Another Redditor added, “When he returned from a “business trip,” his checked bag was missing. I was picking him up from the airport like usual, and he didn’t want me to go with him to file a baggage claim. Something seemed dicey, so I checked his flight number. He wasn’t coming from Seattle as he stated but from Massachusetts. I went into his backpack and found a stub for a whale-watching trip that confirmed it. Then I found a second cell phone. Spider-Sense is always reliable.”

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3. Less Talkative

A Redditor commented, “When they become cagey about things they’re normally open about. I have known a couple of people who did this. They were very open, liked to talk about their entire day, and would answer nearly any question. Then suddenly they’d be out on a night with their friend/s, and the details of the night could be summed up in a couple of words or there’d be odd gaps in the story while they remember and try to sort through it all.”

To which a user responded, “When I was cheated on, that’s a big thing I noticed. He seemed to stop sharing as much. There was a wall there that hadn’t been.”

4. Sudden Interest In Looks

A commenter said, “When they suddenly start taking extra interest in their appearance and getting in shape by “going for walks” even up to 10 pm by the time they return and they don’t answer you are worried calls because “they had music on with headphones.” And when you ask them why they didn’t answer it’s because “they didn’t hear the calls come in” despite you having the exact same phone and know that the incoming calls cut over the music.”

5. The Roommate Give Away

Another Redditor said, “My exes roommates told me they were torn between telling me and minding their business. I used to think one of the guys in her house was an asshole for often being rude to my ex but it turns out it was because he couldn’t play nice with her knowing she was cheating on me.”

To which another person added, “When her roommates sell her out, that means you’re doing you right. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

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6. Accuse You of Cheating

One comment said, “If they accuse you of cheating constantly.”

To which another replied, “Happened to me. Found the secret dating profile after we broke up. She started it six months before we ended things.” 

A third Redditor added, “When your partner suddenly accuses you of cheating out of nowhere. Cheaters start projecting almost immediately.”

7. Changing Passwords

A Redditor commented, “Changing passwords to devices after being okay with you having access to them.”

Another added, “When you find incriminating messages, and the first thing she asks you is how far you went back into the message history.”

A third user said, “Do they hide the screen when you walk behind them? Have they added a password or changed the password? (This may be innocent but could be suspicious.) Are they texting into the wee hours of the night while neglecting you? Have they disabled the little notifications that pop up without having to unlock the phone?”

8. Burner Phone

One Redditor commented, “They have a burner phone or burner social media account that either you don’t know about or they won’t friend you on.”

Another replied, “My ex had a throwaway Instagram and also wouldn’t follow me back, nor add me on Facebook. Turns out he was a serial cheater. He only tried to follow me after I broke up with him, made no sense!”

9. Lying

One commenter said, “Lying about small things.”

A second added, “I once showed up at my bf’s house with a bag of groceries to make him a birthday dinner we’d planned. He wasn’t home and didn’t show up all night. The next day, he told me he’d gone trail biking and he wrecked and hit his head on a rock, and was unconscious on the trail all night. I had to give him a couple of points for creativity.”

A third Redditor said, “They’re “working late” but their paychecks aren’t changing.”

10. Name Dropping

A Redditor had this to say, “Name dropping. When they repeatedly bring someone up in even the most tangentially related situations. If they say it’s an innocuous friendship or a collegue but their name keeps coming up all the time, chances are you’re right to be concerned.”

Another replied, “Yep! This is the ONE! He would bring her up in even light conversation, and I would ask and ask and ask, finally I noticed when I stopped asking, he panicked. Guess who was right….? Me. Found messages he sent her about how beautiful she was, and how she made him so happy & he loved their time together.

Redditors did not disappoint when it came to these dead cheating giveaways. Many understood the red flags looking back at the situations but missed them while in the relationship. What are some dead giveaways you know of? Have you ever dealt with these signs? 

This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Neon Moon.

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Image credit: Depositphotos – AndrewLozovyi

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