Woman holding her arms out with disgust

Don’t Sweat the Petty Stuff: 15 Small Annoyances Can Affect Your Relationship

We each have our likes and dislikes, it’s that simple. Experience teaches us a lot, especially when it comes to terrible partners. So, when asked about the pettiest deal breaker in a romantic relationship, the responses were unbelievably trivial. But hey, we all have our preferences!

A Sunburn Dealbreaker

A Sunburn man touching his sunburned face looking upset
Image credits: Depositphotos IgorVetushko.

A user said, ‘A guy I knew in high school broke up with a girl because she was sunburned.”

No Fake Nails

Fake Nails womans lower face with hands up by mouth
Image credits: Depositphotos Edward Derule.

One said, “Mine is huge, fake nails. To me, that just reeks of immaturity and insecurity.”

Way Too Busy

Maturing? Woman smiling confidently with her hand on her chin
Image credits: Despoitphotos Krackenimages.com.

This person added, “In high school, a guy broke up with my friend with the exact words, “I’m going into grade 12, and I have two pets, so I’ll be really busy.”

Leaving Cabinet Doors Open

Young couple screaming at home in the kitchen.
Image credit: Depositphotos.

One user said, “I dated a girl for a while, and anytime she came over and needed something out of the cabinets, she wouldn’t close them back. I’d have to constantly close cabinet doors and open drawers!”

Chain Messages

Chain Messages man texting and looking at his phone
Image credits: Depositphotos AndrewLozovyi.

This person said, “I like to think that I am very tolerant and comprehensive. But I once told a girl I was seeing to end our relationship because she wouldn’t stop texting me chain text messages about curses, “your mom will die…”, and “you will win insert amount of money” if I send this to 5 people.”

Safety First

Safety First woman standing in a hard hat thinking
Image credits: Depositphotos wisiel.

“Broke up with a girl because she kept getting into my car and refused to put on a seat belt unless I pulled the car over and told her explicitly. My car has that sensor that keeps beeping if you don’t put it on. Massively annoying!”

Eating Habits

Eating Habits woman sitting at the computer holding a donut
Image credits: Depositphotos glisic_albina.

This user commented, “I know a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because she ate her peas one at a time.”

Another commented, “I broke up with a picky eater. It seemed petty to me, but I will eat just about anything and enjoy trying something new. I can’t date someone who won’t eat anywhere but Subway.”

Chewing Gum

woman looking confused and holding her breath
Image credits: Depositphotos eldadcarin

A third said, “She Chewed with her mouth open. Gross!”

Bad Ink

Bad Ink man showing bad tattoo on his shoulder
Image credits: Depositphotos Cristina Conti.

One said, “A tattoo of an anchor that says “refuse to sink.”


Hobbies woman working with beads and string
Image credits: Depositphotos Apelavi.

“I Broke up with this woman because she said she would never go snorkeling….”

So Like…

So Like… man on the phone
Image credits: Depositphotos IgorVetushko.

This user said, “If she like, says the word like, like, before every like word. Like, literally.”

Must Text First

Communication two women sitting and talking with teacups
Image credits: Depositphotos monkeybusiness.

One commented, “She never calls/texts me first. I don’t want to be the one who always contacts you first. I want to feel like you were thinking of me.”


Invites two women sitting and talking looking at phone
Image credits: Depositphotos william87.

A user shared, “She would always give me “soft invites,” I.E. “you can come if you want,” or my favorite, “you’re more than welcome to come, but if not, no worries.” Like c’mon, be an adult!”

Spoiling Shows

Spoiling Shows a man whispering to a woman and the woman looking surprised
Image credits: Depositphotos Tunedln61.

A user left this comment, “She got mad at me and sent spoilers for Walking Dead S2, like who dies and who lives. She thought it would be funny.”

Vacillating Personalities

Vacillating Personalities couple sitting upset on the couch
Image credits: Depositphotos Wavebreakmedia

One commented, “She never initiated anything, intimacy, dates, or what she wanted to eat!”

A second person shared, “He could never make his mind up about anything! When he did, he always second-guessed himself, it led to many fights, and I just couldn’t do it anymore!”

Act Your Age

Act Your Age two women and a man making silly faces
Image credits: Depositphotos luckybusiness.

This girl shared,“My friend broke up with his girlfriend because she used too much the sweating face/smily face emoji too much, and he felt it was almost as if she was being passive-aggressive or hypocritical.”

“He was unhelpful due to petty or childish reasons.”


Touching woman showing thumbs down
Image credits: Depositphotos Bruno135.

One user simply said, “Pinching.”

Another user said, “I can’t stand when someone touches me all the time.”


Flirting man and woman sitting and smiling holding hands
Image credits: Depositphotos nenetus.

One comment read, “She liked to flirt with anyone and everyone as a “test.”

Another added, “On a date, she flirted with the waiter, manager, and even the busboy.”


Snacking woman laying on the couch eating popcorn
Image credits: Depositphotos [email protected].

This user had this to say, “He ate cookies and snacks in bed… Woke up with a sour patch kid in my butt crack!”

One funny comment was, “She would leave a trail of snacks wherever she went in the house.”

Social Media

Man’s hands using iphone
Image credit: Depositphoto zooble.

This person said, “She was more concerned about social media apps than me. It became a competition. I learned this the hard way, and I’ll never bother with this type of person again.”


Self-Centered woman looking selfishly at her phone.
Image credits: Depositphotos Slphotography.

A user commented, “Never dimmed her high beams because she could see better and was therefore safer.”

Another user said, “Assumed all wait staff were servants and would send food back because she could.”

Taste In Food

Woman looking grossed out wearing red shirt and lip stick
Image credit: Depositphotos Krakenimages.com.

Finally, one said, “Another girl would dip bagels into cold baked beans. Again. No time for that.”

Source: Reddit

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