Sad couple at a table in a restaurant

14 Reasons Your Marriage Might End Before the One Year Mark

No matter how much love you have in your marriage, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. So many marriages fail before the first year, and here are some reasons that might signal a problem.


Woman upset looking down, sitting on the couch hand at her head
Image credit: Depositphotos Milkos.

One person wrote, “I went to school with a girl who got married in July 2016 after 3 months of dating a guy. They got divorced in November 2016, after the presidential election. Turns out one of them was an extreme Conservative and the other was an extreme Liberal, and this was not discovered until then.”

Another person added, “I hate this idea too. The conversation should be natural, and politics is heavy at times, but if someone can’t handle a serious discussion over intelligent topics, don’t be shocked to find out months later that they disagree with you!”

Drinking and Drugs

Man and woman arguing.
Image credit: Depositphotos AndrewLozovyi.

A Redditor replied, “husband stopped drinking for a year before marriage, then started drinking the DAY we got married and didn’t stop.”

A second Redditor responded, “We were heroin addicts. I got clean. He then did too. But I couldn’t disassociate him from using. I will always love him and care about him, but I truly believe if we stayed together, we would have died.”


Woman screaming. Blue background
Image credit: Depositphotos kues.

Another comment was, “My marriage lasted just over a year, although we had dated for 7 years before getting married and lived together or 3 years. It ended when I found out she was cheating on me with someone she worked with. While she was the one that ultimately made the most painful choices that led to the dissolution of our marriage, I wouldn’t be being honest with myself if I didn’t point out the ways that I contributed to it.”


Man holding his head looking down with eyes closed
Image credit: Depositphotos billiondigital.

A user replied, “Got married a year later. 7 months after that, he started withdrawing and acting depressed, so I tried to get him to talk about what he was feeling. He said he couldn’t stand to be around me and hated me – then moved out two weeks later and divorced 6 weeks after that. I still wonder what happened. We haven’t spoken since he called to confirm he didn’t want to do counseling and just wanted a divorce instead.”

Child Support

Man wearing a blue shirt looking frustrated and holding his face in anger
Image credit: Depositphotos Xalanx.

One Redditor wrote, “The day after the wedding, a sheriff showed up on our doorstep with child support papers for a 3 month old baby. Turns out he had been sleeping with his coworker. I was willing to look past the indiscretion, but when he refused to take responsibility for his child, I couldn’t handle it anymore. The kid shouldn’t have to suffer because his dad is an idiot. Divorce was final 11 months after our wedding day.”


Woman in pain holding her stomach
Image credit: Depositphotos Vadymvdrobot.

A comment was, “They were both 19, she got pregnant, they got married and tried to make their life work on one $8/hr income, with her as a stay-at-home mom with no money, no car, and no friends in the same place in life she was. Day in and day out, stress drove them apart.”

Awful Accidents

Woman crying on the phone hugging a pink heart pillow
Image credit: Depositphotos lightwavemedia.

One sad comment read, “I was in the military, and we had been together for 6 years and were both 22 years old. She came to my duty station, and we got married on a Saturday, the weekend of my birthday. She flew back to my home state that Sunday and was killed by a drunk driver.”

Mental and Physical Health

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One Redditor responded, “My mom’s first marriage ended after 7 months because it turned out her ex-husband had schizophrenia and refused to take his medications.”

A second Redditor added, “Dated for a few years and decided to move in together with her roommates. The same year we did that, she gets diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which is why I am very angry at the sexist attitudes doctors have when it comes to women. If they had allowed her to get her tubes tied like she wanted years ago, they might have found it earlier. But there are no good symptoms or signs of early-stage ovarian cancer. We were going to get married this summer, but her oncologist said to move it up, so we got married this past September. She died in December.”

No Job

Man laying on a brown couch looking lazy.
Image credit: Depositphotos txking.

A user commented, “My husband’s last marriage lasted about four months. She quit her job the day after they got married and then used the credit card to remodel her parents’ home. He gave her a month to get a job and left when the month was up. She tried various ways to get him back, even after we were already married with a child. She’s finally left him alone. She seems a bit unstable.”


No Privacy: woman hiding her face with her hands in a pink shirt.
Image credits: Depositphotos Halfbottle.

A popular comment was, “Dated a guy for 5 years. He was pretty emotionally abusive and screwed with my head a lot. Lots of stuff to destroy my self-esteem. Ended up in a car accident while planning our wedding, so in addition to the emotional abuse, I had a head injury clouding my judgment. The week before the wedding, I realized it was a mistake, and everyone told me it was cold feet. The marriage lasted a month. Moved out and have never looked back. Couldn’t be happier now.”


Woman giving two thumbs down
Image credit: Depositphotos IgorVetushko.

One Redditor replied, “Not me, but my dad got married, and everything seemed fine until he called my sister on her birthday. His new wife flipped out and said, “You can’t have any other women in your life.”

Too Young

Husband asking wife something and wife is looking upset holding her temples.
Image credit: Depositphoto mast3r.

One user responded, “Most of our problems came from getting married at 18 and not having a freaking idea what it meant to be married.”

Another user commented, “I got married young (19) and didn’t really get to know her very well. It felt like the right thing to do at the time, I guess. It took about three months before the crazy started. We were always arguing and couldn’t ever agree on anything.”

Another Family

A family at the table arguing. Everyone is looking at the dad and dad is holding his head like he has a headache.
Image credit: Depositphotos monkeybusiness.

A most-liked comment was, “On my aunt’s wedding day, she found out that her soon husband-to-be was already married and had a family. The wedding was called off on the day, and she’s never had a man in her life since. She is in her late 60s today.”

Baby Wasn’t Mine

Pregnant woman looking shocked, surprised
Image credit: Depositphotos AntonioGuillemF.

One Redditor commented, “One of her equally sl**** friends [that I was never particularly nice to] said almost in passing that I should have a paternity test done. Things had mostly gone to hell by then, anyway… I had the test done, and it came back with 0 percent probability that the kid could be mine.” Source: Reddit

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