Man looking shocked covering his mouth and woman hiding her face with her hands

Woman Refuses to Invite “Poor” Family Members To Her Wedding

Destination weddings are becoming a popular way to get married, and why not?! You get to travel to a new, possibly tropical place with everyone you care about, and then you marry the love of your life!

Many couples then spend a few days at a resort afterward and keep the after-wedding party going! This is a brilliant idea until you realize that not everyone can afford to go on a destination wedding vacation. One Redditor has much to learn regarding a guest list and a destination wedding because she’s quickly become the enemy. 

Destination Wedding Plans

The original poster (OP) is getting married in June (2023). She and her fiancé decided to have a destination wedding. OP and her fiancé picked out what she describes as the perfect venue in the Dominican Republic and are very happy with where they will be when it comes time to say their nuptials! This past January, OP sent out her invitations which she figured was enough time for everyone they invited to send in their R.S.V.P. and plan their trip. 

Income Driven Invitation

OP goes on to say that the invitations they chose to send came at a premium price and were very expensive. As the bride and groom-to-be went through their guest lists, they decided they would only send invites to family members from both sides that they felt could afford to go on the trip. They felt like it was a good place to save on the cost of invitations because they realized that not all of their family members could afford the trip to the Dominican Republic.

OP says her mother is very upset with her right now because of how many family members she excluded based on if she thought they could afford the trip. Her mother told her she was disappointed in how she and her fiancé separated and divided family members and that she had upset so many people. OP’s mother also said judging people by their income was extremely rude. OP feels that she did not judge anyone and just picked the people in her family she thought could afford the trip.

The Masses Weigh In

Redditors gave their thoughts on this destination wedding and how the invites were handled. 

One Redditor pointed out, “At the time my (former) best friend got married, he’d apparently decided on a destination wedding in Nepal, as his wife-to-be was Nepalese. I’d known him for some 30 years at this point, so it was just assumed that I’d be the best man whenever the day came. I found out that not only was I not the best man but that I wasn’t invited to the wedding either because I was also perceived as “poor.” So yes, YTA. Big time.”

A second Redditor said, “OP: I didn’t judge anyone! Also, OP: I only picked those I knew could afford it. I’m with your mom on this one. YTA.”

A third Redditor said, “OP can’t afford the invitations. And she’s judging other people’s finances. YTA”

Another Redditor said, “It seems pretty clear they only intended the higher paid family members to come when they sent out invitations to a destination wedding with only 5 months’ notice.”

A Redditor also said, “OP-you invite the people you love and the ones closest to you. If they choose to decline, that is up to them. You owe an apology to a ton of people.”

Another user said, “Lmao imagine being too poor to pay for people’s invitations but being so high up your own ass that you think other people are too poor.”

Finally, a Redditor said this, “OP is only picking people they assume will give them lots of cash as a gift.”

Redditors determined the bride-to-be and her fiance should rethink their wedding plans and maybe not judge people since they seem unable to even afford the invitations. What is your opinion? Did the OP judge too quickly, or did she do the right thing? 

This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Neon Moon.

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