Couple fighting - man is holding his ears and woman is yelling

Her Boyfriend Told Her to “Go Find A Female Doctor,” But She Prefers a Male Doctor When She’s Having Issues Down There And Will Not Change Her Doctor

When a partner comes to you about a medical issue, it’s always best to advocate they see a medical professional for whatever symptoms they may be experiencing. Providing support to your partner to get a medical issue checked out is usually all they may be looking for, so unless you yourself are a medical professional, it’s best to let a trained doctor handle their medical needs.

In most cases, when you advocate for them to see a doctor, you rarely tell them, “Go see a male doctor, or “Go see a female doctor.” The gender of the medical practitioner never really comes into play. One woman found out that her boyfriend prefers her to see a female doctor especially when she goes to get “down there” checked out. 

The woman told her boyfriend about how she’s been experiencing some “down there” issues and wanted her doctor to check things out for potential solutions. During the conversation, her boyfriend learned that her doctor was male. He then suggested that a female doctor handle it, considering she’s also a female.

However, she expressed that she would actually feel more comfortable with a male doctor. She wasn’t entirely sure why, but possibly due to past experiences. Whenever a female doctor examines any part of her body, she notices they tend to be less careful and comforting than a male doctor.

She also mentioned feeling as if female doctors are often more judgmental, unlike male doctors who seem to be aware of her potential discomfort and go the extra mile to make the experience less difficult or awkward.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend’s reaction was unexpected. He chose to stop communicating with her due to her preference for a male doctor. Prior to their conversation about her doctor, they had planned a date for the following day, but he informed her that he was no longer interested in going, all because of her preference.

What Do Others Think Of This Disagreement?

Several people agreed that it’s interesting how a personal medical preference has caused such a rift between them. Her comfort and well-being should be prioritized, especially considering her vulnerability during a medical examination. 

Others said her boyfriend has a right to be upset, considering the type of exam she’s having with a male doctor. They were also dismissive by saying that a male doctor can be just as bad as a female doctor when it comes to diagnosing issues with the opposite sex.

A third group talked about their shared experiences, saying that female OB/GYNs tend to be more rude toward women and that many have had awful experiences with female medical practitioners, which caused them to switch to a male OB/GYN, and they’ve never been happier since.

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