happy woman sitting in a field

15 Ways To Make Your Life Better After A Breakup So You Can Move On

Getting over a breakup can be a challenging and emotionally draining process, but there are several steps you can take to heal and move forward. First, allow yourself to grieve and acknowledge your emotions. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or hurt, and giving yourself permission to experience these emotions can be cathartic. Take care of yourself by practicing self-care activities such as exercise, getting enough rest, and eating well. Engaging in hobbies and spending time with friends and family can also help distract you and provide a support system. Lastly, which may be the most important step, avoid contact with your ex-partner and remove reminders of the relationship that may trigger new or, at some point, old emotions.

Don’t Shut Yourself Away

woman thinking and looking upset
Image credits: Depositphotos HayDmitriy

One user said, “No contact, new hobbies, focus on things you want but couldn’t do before, keep socializing with other people, and don’t shut yourself away.”

Address The Issue

man confused happy
Image credits: Depositphotos Krackenimages.com

A second user shared, “The best thing you can do is address that problem. It’s not uncommon for those with poor self-esteem to hitch their happiness to their partner, which is obviously unhealthy. Learn to love yourself, and then when you start your next relationship, try to view it/them as an addition to your life rather than completing it.”

Care For Yourself

woman looking seductive kneeling in a tshirt
Image credits: Depositphotos luckybusiness

A third user added, “Time will heal your heart, be patient and take care of yourself. That’s the best I’ve got because that’s what helped me.”

No Time Table

man stand with hands up looking confused
Image credits: Depositphotos AndrewLozovyi

“There is zero definitive way. It took me 1 year to get over my breakup. And it just happened. One day I completely forgot about it. People have said it took them days to months to years to even decades….”


person covering mouth looking embarrassed
Image credits: Depositphotos creatista

This poster said, Honestly, hobbies and doing new things/things you’ve never done before. Don’t do things that you wished you had done with your ex. No, that won’t help lol. But do things you wanted to do since you were younger.”

Here’s The Thing

man thinking with hand on chin looking to the side
Image credits: Depositphotos tonidiaz

A commenter shared, “Here’s the things about breakups… you need to take YOUR time. There isn’t a set date. Don’t hold your emotions back. Cry. Get mad that you aren’t over your ex at one point, but it’ll be okay. One day you may realize that you spend a day not thinking about your break up, and soon that day will turn to weeks… months, years, etc.”

Get Out Of The Comfort Zone

woman looking away and on chin
Image credits: Depositphotos WaveBreakMedia

This commenter said, “Focus on yourself and your own well-being. Embrace, accept, and allow your emotions – you are human, and it’s okay. Get active, find new hobbies, and try something fun and out of your comfort zone.”

What Not To Do

woman looking concerned
Image credits: Depositphotos bilanoi.i.ua

A poster commented, “Don’t jump into another relationship until you have healed completely. Your emotions will continue to process, and you’re going to take something out on your new partner that’s not their fault, and it’s not fair to them or you.”

Work On Accomplishments

man looking to the side awkwardly
Image credits: Depositphotos spaxiax

Someone added, “Being rejected by one woman feels like being rejected by all women. Not true. Keep working on your accomplishments and attract another.”

Get A New Best Friend

couple walking dog in the park
Image credits: Depositphotos Monkeybusiness

One user offered, “I recommend you get a dog/puppy. They’re a great distraction from grief. ⁠They LOVE you—nonstop, plus it’s always positive feedback. Talk about self-esteem. You will 100% be the greatest human that ever existed to your dog.”

Find Happy Moments

woman looking up and thinking while scratching her head
Image credits: Depositphotos Slphotography

A top-liked comment said, “⁠Find happy moments. Do things that make YOU happy, see a movie, cook for yourself, read comics, anything! Relish in those happy moments.”


woman sitting in yoga position smiling
Image credits: Depositphotos VitalikRadko

This person said, ⁠”Exercise. Start small, stretching, yoga, basically anything that gets you moving. It releases endorphins, and endorphins make you feel like you can conquer the world!”

Meet People

a group of friends smiling
Image credit: Depositphotos- IgorVetushko.

Someone shared, “⁠Staying social and meeting people. You might have difficulty getting out and dating again or talking to strangers. But once you get there and meet people and form new connections…it’s easy to smile again.”

Find Excitement

woman looking happy on the computer
Image credits: Depositphotos AILA_IMAGES

This user added, “⁠Find something new that excites or intrigues you, and dive in. Once you find a new hobby or new focus, you’ll begin to feel accomplished.”

Shut Them Out

upset woman covering her ears
Image credits: Depositphotos SLphotography

Finally, a user said, “Lose their number, get rid of all their sh****t, and erase them from your life. Understand they’re not coming back and begin to move forward. I know it’s harsh to say, but the reality is the sooner you accept that the closer you’ll be to moving on!”

Source: Reddit

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